Combining Data Privacy and Engineering to safeguard the future of your data.

Your data is one of the most valuable assets that you own. Whether you're a business safeguarding customer information or a researcher handling sensitive data, Seudo makes data privacy easy and accessible. With our intuitive interface, robust features, and secure technology, you can transform personal data into pseudonymized datasets in just a few clicks. Ready to prioritize privacy without compromising on efficiency? Try Seudo today—because your data's integrity is our top priority.

About Seudo

In the digital age, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount. Pseudonymization transforms identifiable data into a state that cannot be associated with a specific individual without additional information that is kept separately. This method makes data sharing both secure and compliant with privacy regulations. Seudo is a pseudonymization engine that revolutionizes the way we protect and share data. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and serverless infrastructure, Seudo empowers users to create seamless data pseudonymization workflows and pipelines in the cloud, ensuring your data is not just safe but also smartly managed.

Historically, pseudonymization has been limited to engineering and data science departments. Seudo's intuitive and user friendly interface breaks that paradigm, empowering anyone to reliably produce datasets that safe to share and store, regardless of technical know-how. Seudo's AI templating engine makes building ETL pipelines easy. Simply upload a sample of your data and let Seudo generate a pipeline based on the data provided. Any data that you upload will be carefully analyzed by our AI assistant, which will generate suggestions and recommendations on how to best protect your data using the unique structure of your dataset.

Step 1: Upload Sample Data

Upload a sample dataset. Seudo will carefully analyse your data using our powerful AI engine, and generate an ETL template based on what you uploaded.

Step 2: Build Pipeline

Create your pseudonymization pipeline by altering the auto-generated template as required. Seudo's intuitive UI makes this smooth and simple.

Step 3: Pseudonymize

Upload a raw dataset against your pipeline and pseudonymize. Seudo will store the processed dataset along with any of the metadata files required to reverse the pseudonymization. Processed datasets can be stored and managed in Seudo directly, or deleted after download.

Benefits of Pseudonymization

Pseudonymization is a data management process where identifying fields within a data record are replaced by one or more artificial identifiers, or pseudonyms. For example, a name might be replaced with a random alphanumeric code. One of the key distinctions between pseudonymization and other PI masking techniques is that pseudonymization is reversible: the original data can still be re-identified if additional information is provided (typically held separately). This makes pseudonymization particularly useful in situations where data usability must be maintained for processing or operational purposes (such as for machine learning or data science), while also reducing the risks associated with personal data handling, especially in the event of data breaches. Many privacy regulations, such as GDPR, recognize pseudonymization as a safeguard for processing personal data, allowing organizations to balance data utility with compliance needs.

Data Utility Retention
Compliance with Privacy Laws
Flexibility in Data Handling
Risk Reduction
Dynamic Data Management

Transform your Datasets

Securely processing a wide range of datasets requires a collection of data techniques and transformations. Seudo offers users a diverse range of tools and transformations that can be used to generate pseudonyms for their datasets, ensuring that all of your data security needs can be met in a single application. Some of the core operations that our platform supports are:


Safely remove sensitive information from your datasets. Seudo intelligently identifies and redacts personal identifiers, ensuring that the data shared or analyzed does not compromise individual privacy..


Alter date and time information within your data to obscure actual event times while maintaining the logical sequence of events. This is particularly useful for protecting the timing of sensitive activities without losing the context of data..


Substitute sensitive data elements with realistic but non-identifiable alternatives. This operation ensures data remains useful for testing or development purposes without exposing actual sensitive information.

Seudo is currently in its alpha release, and is completely free to try without any commitment. For more information and context on pseudonymization and how it can benefit your organizations security needs, be sure to check out our tech and business blog which contains a number of articles that discuss data best practices, particularly in relation to GDPR compliance.